Warehouse Management System (WMS)

We have developed a robust online warehouse management system to reliably cater to customer requirements. What follows is an overview of its features

The business world of today relies on interconnectivity. Following this trend, we have developed our own application to ensure seamless transfer of information. It tracks the invoice numbers, goods quantity, GRN (Goods Receipt Note) updates and quality audits. It can provide MIS (Management Information System) reports on:
  • Dispatch details and stock transit
  • Details of stock stored in the warehouse facilities
  • Transport and distribution
  • Invoice generation
Barcode Scanning & Stickers
The business world of today relies on interconnectedness. Following this trend, we have developed our own application to ensure seamless transfer of information. It tracks the invoice numbers, goods quantity, GRN (Goods Receipt Note) updates and quality audits. It can provide MIS (Management Information System) reports on:
GPS Tracking
We have developed a unique tracking device with a prolonged battery life. It is added to the consignment and independent of the vehicle power supply. The location of the truck and cargo details can be tracked using the integrated mobile app. Automated dispatch details can be sent directly from our server, along with the GPS tracking data via E-mail and are also available through our mobile app and its web version.
CCTV via Mobile
Supervising the warehouse operations is paramount when the security of the cargo is concerned. Health and safety, hygiene, packing methods, storage and quality checks represent a core aspect of daily warehouse management. We at BSL believe in conducting transparent operations and for this we have installed CCTV cameras in all of our warehouses. The CCTV footage can be viewed live on mobile and through website.
Data Synchronization
We support data transfer from our WMS server into SAP or any third party web based applications. This helps both when avoiding duplication of data entries and in elimination of data mismatching when errors via manual entries are concerned.